In case the caption wasn't sufficient, consider yourself warned: I'm about to give TMI!
Right. So I have a bladder infection. It happens all the time - result of a scarred urethra - result of childhood infections left untreated (for years, if you must know) - result of sexual abuse. Nothing I can do about it. In fact, I drink more water than god, take cranberry pills, wipe front to back, pee after sex, and generally do everything in my power to avoid the motherfuckers. I still get them, about once every three months. This is apparently a terrible issue for Kaiser, but that's another story.
Today's story features the painkiller specially made for bladder infections which I received yesterday for the first time ever. Wow, didn't know they had anything like that. Kinda would think considering that I have these things all the time that maybe at some point somebody would have forked over a little relief? Nope. Never. Not in 28 years. Ok. Really, not in 10 years (I go to the doctor when I need to, and have done so ever since I attained the great age of 18)
The stuff is called Uristat. You pee neon orange. It's creepy. You know what? It helps. Immensely. I won't go on and on for pages about how much it would have helped or how much pain and suffering and emotional anguish I could have been saved if someone had given me the neon earlier in my life, or how I always have ptsd issues when I get the infections and flashbacks to the bad that caused them and being a kid and all that, and essentially am emotionally traumatized. Nah. It's all good.
Ladies, just remember URISTAT, and ask for the stuff, if you need it, because apparently the Doctor thinks pain is good for you.